Friday 4 July 2014

Travel Series #1: Footwear

My first fashion post isn’t a very glamorous one unfortunately. However, I’m off travelling next week and thought I’d start off with something practical, as I’m sure some of you have probably planned something similar now the summer holidays are in full swing. Footwear is really important no matter what sort of trip you’re taking and shoes take up a lot of room, deciding can be tough but ask yourself do you need your 10 inch spiked Jeffrey Campbells if you’re trekking up Machu Picchu? Answer is, probably not.  I’ve got you covered in this blog post for three pairs of shoes to take that are comfortable, fashionable and good for all sorts of occasions.

The all rounder: Trainers are an everyday staple for most of us I’m sure, especially as they seem to be having a ‘moment’ right now. They’re really comfortable and resistant to all sorts of weather, as well as being accepted by most cultures meaning they won’t cause offense to locals. My current trainer of choice is the Nike Internationalist in Black, these go with most outfits and are super comfortable meaning they’re great for those long days sight seeing.

The one for the beach: Sandals. These black faux leather sandals are all over the blogosphere right now and I can see why. At £8 from Primark they’re an absolute steal considering the same ones are currently retailing in Topshop for around the £20 mark. Bargain. They are great for the beach and look fab with a maxi skirt or dress and have a real 90’s vibe about them.

The heel alternative: Ballet Flats. If you’re on holiday chances are you’ll have at least one night out somewhere, whether that be at the hotel’s cheesy disco with your family or some cool bar in Eastern Europe with your mates. Whilst the urge to pack a pair of heels maybe strong, I would instead go for a dressed up flat. A lot of places, especially in Europe tend to be a lot more relaxed with their club gear than the ‘skyscraper heel-bodycon dress’ culture we have here in the UK. These flats, again from Primark mean you can dress up your outfit without sticking out and save a lot more room in your luggage bag.

Do you have any trips planned this summer?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Those Primark flats are the BEST sandals, right? An absolute steal and some of the comfiest shoes I've ever owned. I can't wait to see your updates about your travel adventures - if you're making them that is? :)


  3. I LOVE those sandals. How long ago did you get them? I am in serious need!

    Rachael at

    1. I got them about 2 weeks ago! However finding them was a mission, they were sold out everywhere and I got the last pair from my store! x

  4. Lovely sandals!!! Especially the second one!

  5. Those primark sandals are so gorgeous! I wish I could find them in Australia!

    The Sunday Chapter
    Angela xo

  6. I always love everything I see from Primark. Both of those pairs are super cute! I love how simple the design of the first pair is. Adorable!

  7. Lovely post,hun!These look really good:)
    Keep in touch xoxo
    Antonella <3

  8. I'm not going on holiday as yet this year but we are taking a little mini break to London so you've reminded me... what the heck comfy shoes can I walk round a city for 2 days in?? Getting myself down to Primark, stat!

    Dayner x |

  9. So jealous you're going away I need to get booked up! Love the trainers

    Salted Roses // UK Fashion Blog

  10. I would have never imagined that this pair of sandals is from Primark!
    Visiting the nearest store tomorrow ;)

  11. Great picks! all shoes I'd wear on a daily basis :)

    X Malena

  12. Absolutely love the last pair of shoes! Love your blog, so glad I found it!

    x Magee | MAGEESKI blog 

  13. Love those Primark sandals! And they're so cheap too, definitely need a Primark trip soon! x

  14. Those Primark sandals are absolutely gorgeous! What a bargain :) xxx

  15. Love these shoes, practical but pretty :-) xxx

  16. Fab shoes, comfy but chic too! I love your blog and I have followed you with Bloglovin. If you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks!

    Camille xo.

  17. Sneakers are a must. When I travel, the walking kills my feet. Although sneakers look silly sometimes, they are super practical. Aint nobody got time for sore feet :)

    Lucy X

  18. Love your ideas, the dressed up flat is definitely an excellent alternative to a heel. I'm doing study abroad next year and the thought of not being able to take my spiked Jeffrey Campbells is literally killing me! xx

    ☾ Liquorice Pearls ☾

  19. I am in love with your black sandals...unfortunately there is no primark in the states. I am in the hunt for some sandals but can't seem to find anything that looks like yours...

  20. Beauuuuutiful shoes, you've made me want to go shopping now xxx

  21. Ahh I love the sandals, gutted I haven't seen them in my local Primark yet! Cute flats too :)

    Louise /


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